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Fine Art for Sale

 "Friend or Foe"


Oil painting on framed canvas.

Size: 762 x 1016 mm

Price: Email for details please


This painting portrays the energy of saviour of foe. The impression of two birds over a sea are showing this concept with a creative flair. Vivid colours and bold brush strokes are aiding the strong feeling of energy.



Butterflies' prayer.jpg

 "Butterfly prayer - Do not take my       colours away..."


Oil painting on framed canvas.

Size: 91.5 x 37.5mm

Price  $ 1,400.00 plus postage.



This painting is an environmental call to stop messing the environment, especially to large corporations that pollute this planet. The colour-less butterflies portray  the nature that is suffering. 



"Evening glow" 


Oil painting on stretched canvas


Price: $ 700.00


This is a very relaxing painting, an impression of  evening glow of golden light.

The Energy of Earth.jpg

"Everything is energy"


This is an acrylic painting. Depicting the vibrant energy around us.




Painted on stretched canvas. Please enquire about the postage it will depend on the destination. 

Price: $1,600.


Autumn Magic2.jpg

"Magic hues of nature"



This is an oil painting, lovingly painted with dots of paint, thus it took a long time to complete the image.



Price: $ 2,000.00

Please send an email enquires for postage cost and arrangements.



Classes offered by Ela 


Please ask for more details via email.



Elzbieta (Ela) Mierzecka-Pain BSc.

Born in Poland in 1958, living in Australia since 2001.

Self-employed artist for almost 20 years. Built a successful  business selling paintings and studied Social Science (Criminology) in Swinburne University in Melbourne. A Sydney (and Coomba Park) artist internationally awarded as a Master of Modern Art, in her semi-abstract and abstract work we see a playful energy that virtually dances off the canvas and in her more traditional work we are transported to a world of rich and complex hues capturing the beauty of Australia.


Ela has a background of extensive art skills, Social Science knowledge and previous work in life coaching which has led to the establishment of the Academy of Art for Personal Discovery.





Art for personal discovery.

 A program (classes) that invites participants to look into their inner self for answers to leading a more fulfilled life. Art can be used as a tool for self-discovery which can assist the process of self discovery, thereby clarifying and releasing some of the barriers and obstacles to living a fulfilling life.

Examples of individual classes: life purpose, vision board, finding solutions to problems, contributions to self and others and more.

No previous art skills are required.




Abstract and Semi-Abstract painting.

Art can be a very relaxing and rewarding activity as a medium of expression, creativity or simply a way to relax.

Abstract art does not aim to show the external reality but uses shapes, colours, textures to create an image. This can be completely non-representative or a semi-abstract that has some connection to the external world. It is a very freeing and rewarding activity not always easy to achieve as our mind tend to want to paint something real. Thus attending classes aids this process.

Various techniques will be shown like pure abstract, semi-abstract, acrylic pour technique.

No previous art skills are required.

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